How do I find a self build plot / land on Exmoor? Unlikely as it seems, the best way to find land for your self build is to ask someone who owns land! Someone in your family may own a piece of land. Maybe a family friend? A neighbour? Or someone you work for? Someone may consider selling you a plot for many reasons. They may need to raise some cash. They may want to do their bit to support the next generation on Exmoor by helping a young, local person get on the property ladder (we’d like to find more of these people!) Selling to someone they know (like you) is advantageous because they know who they will get as a neighbour. We know asking the question is hard and uncomfortable. But if you don’t ask, and someone beats you to it, and the landowner says yes, you will regret it! The worst they can say is no. And even then, you’ll be at the top of their list if they reconsider in the future or know someone who is selling land. We’d also recommend putting out a call for land everywhere possible:
Ask in local groups on social media - ask EYV, and we’ll support you with this, too
Put flyers on notice boards in pubs, village halls, sports clubs etc
Write a personal letter to local landowners & put it through their door
There is also a document called the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, which is worth looking at. The purpose of it is to identify & assess land and buildings that might have the potential to deliver future housing development. Just remember that planning permission isn’t guaranteed on the sites identified as ‘deliverable.'
Can I only do a self build on Emoor if I’m local? As stated on the Exmoor National Park website, the local plan ‘only permits self build homes for those in affordable housing need with a proven local connection to Exmoor.’ Therefore, you will need to prove:
You are in need of affordable housing
You are unable to afford to buy housing suitable their needs on the open market
You have an appropriate local connection to the area
How do I know if I meet the local connection requirements for Exmoor? Here are a few examples of how you might meet Exmoor’s local connection requirements:
You have lived in the parish or adjoining parishes of the place you’re looking to build for 10 years
You’ve had a continuous 10 year period of living locally on Exmoor at some point during the last 30 years (even if you moved away)
You have a 10-year connection anywhere in Exmoor National Park and a strong connection to the parish where you want to build (perhaps through family or work)
You need to provide care or medical assistance for someone who lives in the parish or an adjoining parish and that individual has lived there for at least 10 years
You need to live in the parish or an adjoining parish to carry out paid work, which is of value to Exmoor National Park and its communities (this means you don’t necessarily need to have lived in Exmoor for the 10 years stated above)
Is it possible to get a mortgage for a self build home? Yes, it’s possible to get a mortgage on a self build home in the UK. A quick Google search will present numerous lenders. However, difficulties lie in finding a self build mortgage for a property with a Section 106 agreement, which a Local Affordable Needs Self Build on Exmoor will have. A S106 agreement comes with strict regulations as to how a property is sold. For example, it will likely affect the percentage of the market value it can be sold for, place limits on who can buy the property and have a requirement to get Local Authority approval. Unfortunately, this means it’s harder to find an appropriate mortgage deal. But, it’s not impossible! Our Self Build Project Leader, Justin, has suggested looking for a ‘niche’ lender, like the Ecology Building Society, who are interested in sustainable housing and self builds.
Remember, your lender will want to know that you already own something of value - in this case, it’s likely to be the land you plan to build on and it will have to have outline planning permission before you apply for a loan. It’s also essential you can demonstrate that you have a secure and regular source of income. If you use a Mortgage Advisor or Consultant, they’ll charge a hefty fee - just something to consider if you’re trying to minimise costs. Exmoor Young Voices is working on trying to find lenders who will consider S106 self builds. We’ve just come across esbs. On their website it says, ‘we can even consider a self build project where planning permission has been granted and is subject to an agricultural tie clause, or a Section 106 occupancy clause.’So they might be worth looking at.
We also have good links with Lendology - a local social enterprise lender. Lendology offers self build loans with a fixed interest rate of 4%, along with flexible repayment periods. You can also pay your loan back early without being charged a fee to do so. It’s also worth enquiring about council grants for your self build on Exmoor, and Exmoor Young Voices is happy to support you with any communications.